

subconscious mind


*The Body S Energy Centers

Oriental philosophy and medicine, originating in ancient India and China, traditionally view the body and the internal health processes as inseparable. Their names reside in the center of the structure and function and identify specific structures in the human body, representing the flow of life force and, in a sense, the channels of this flow that do not conform to the structures known to Western science and medicine. The chakras are the centers of energy in the biological realm of man and take care of his physical and mental condition and certain groups of structures. All the vital functions of the human body are determined by the force that weaves through the chakras. These could be described as “whirlpools in question,” and in India, they are considered to be “explosive power” or “wheels.”

The process of power conversion takes place directly at these institutions. Essential energy, as well as blood, circulates the meridians in the chakras and stimulates all organs and systems in the human body. When the spread of these meridians has stopped, the human body is at risk of various complications. The best form of prevention, apparently designed to combat such stances, is Chi Chi, an ancient Chinese way of life that uses power centers. Chi Gun teaches people to release energy on their own by massaging certain areas associated with different chakras.

There are 49 chakras mentioned in the Vedic Canon, seven of which are basic; 21 are in the second circle, and 21 in the third circle. According to the Vedis, there are many energy channels that lead to various places from the chakras. Three of these channels are basic. The first, called "shushumna," is empty and focuses on the spine. Two other forms of energy, “ida” and “pingala”, are found on either side of the spine. These two channels are the most active for most people, and the "shushumna" remains stationary.

The seven basic chakras circulate rapidly in the body of healthy people but shrink during periods of illness or old age. When the body is at a reasonable level, the chakras remain partially open. Closed chakras are unable to gain strength, leading to various problems.

The first basic chakra, the "Muladhara," is found at the base of the spine in the spinal area. The life force, which is the basis of a strong and healthy body system, is retained in this chakra. It is impossible for a person to get sick, grow old, or die before he can finish his powerful work. The will of health is controlled by Muladhara. It also contains bones and joints, teeth, nails, urinogenital system and large intestines. The first signs of Muladhara dysfunction are fearlessness, fainting, lack of security or faith in the future, leg and foot problems, and intestinal disorders.

The disturbed function of the Muladhara chakra causes weakness, digestive problems, diseases of the bones and spinal cord, and emotional tension among others.

The second chakra, the "Svadhistana," is located at the level of the sacrum, three or four fingers below the belly button. This chakra controls the pelvis, kidneys and sexual functions. We also hear other people's feelings about this chakra. Symptoms of "Svadhistana" dysfunction are kidney problems, cystitis and arthritis.

The third chakra, "Manipura," is located in the area of ​​the solar plexus. This chakra is the center for storing and distributing energy produced by digestion and respiration. It is responsible for vision, intestinal system, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and nervous system. The symptoms of standing “Manipura” are as follows: increased nausea and anxiety, as well as stomach, liver and nervous disorders.

The fourth chakra, the "Anahata," also called the heart chakra, is located in the chest. We build and find love through this chakra. It affects the heart, lungs, bronchi, hands and arms. Symptoms of depression include depression and heart failure.

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The fifth chakra, the "Vishudha," is at the level of the throat and is the center of cognitive and cognitive abilities. This chakra protects the skin, sensory organs, and trachea and lungs. Symptoms include a lack of emotional stability, discomfort in the cervical spine, a sore throat, difficulty communicating, and tumor and thyroid disease.

The sixth chakra, the “Adjna,” is located between the eyebrows and is referred to as the “third eye.” Here is the throne of the human brain. "Adjna" circulates energy to the head and uterus and is also responsible for determining our concomitant growth. If a person's "third eye" stops functioning properly, a person may notice a decrease in cognitive function, headaches and migraines, hearing loss, affective disorders, and mental disorders.

The seventh chakra, the "Sahasrara," is located at the very top of the head and represents the peak where the human force is shaken with the greatest force. It is considered to be the spiritual center and incarnation of cosmic forces. Standing for “Sahasrara” can lead to a decrease or a lack of inner wisdom, as well as a lack of basic knowledge.

With this basic knowledge of the first seven chakras, we can answer this question: “How do we use this knowledge to find the causes of our problems and our problems, with the help of Eastern Medicine, and learn to control the activities of the chakras ourselves? ”.

From the perspective of Eastern Medicine, our health depends on the distribution of our field of dynamic information. Lack of energy inevitably leads to disease. According to Tibetan Medicine, the only difference between the young and the old, and between the sick and the healthy, is the difference in the speed of the whirlpool power centers of the chakras. If these different speeds are balan

*The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

Scientists say that we use only 10% of our brains. Consider what I have just said. We use only 10% of our brains! We spend another 90%. Think of it this way… .what if we could spend only 10% of our income? Can we live 10% of our income? There is no way, except for your Bill Gates. What about eating only 10% of the food we make? Wouldn't that be a waste of food? What if we only sleep 10% of 8 hours or 80 minutes a day? Can we survive? What if we had only 10% of the oxygen available? Can we survive? The answer to all these questions is a resounding yes!

Now why do we tolerate using only 10% of our brains? Look at your health. Are you living the life you want… .as your goals? Are you happy with what you have created or do you think it could be better? The probability that you are living on your skills is only 10%. What if you could make your life 100, 500, or 1,000% better? I hear you now say… "That's impossible" or "that's too hard to do." When you say that, you are repeating the same pattern in your life, i.e. you are using only 10% of your brain or less.

If you are happy with using only 10% of your brain stop reading now. If you are dissatisfied and want to be able to use the rest then keep reading. Think of the greatness you can achieve by using your whole mind. There have been dozens of great psychologists, such as Napoleon Hill, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Maxwell Maltz, and many others. These men knew the secret of using your mental faculties and how to get into them.

I'm here to tell you that you currently have the most powerful tool in the Universe… .your consistent mind. Your unconscious mind knows everything. It has all the answers as long as you use it properly. It can lead you to a life of harmony, wealth, health, happiness and prosperity! This can happen in all aspects of your life.

It's not your fault. You were not taught how to use your mind. The past is over and today could be a new beginning. No matter what happened before today, what matters is what happened from today onwards. You have to believe in your ignorant mind and know that it can allow you to live a happy and successful life.

Let's start with a very simple process. Use your unconscious mind as an alarm clock. Before going to bed at night, tell her what time you want to get up. Suppose you want to get up at 7:00 am Before going to bed, tell your unconscious mind to “wake me up at 7:00 am” and while you are saying this imagine a clock that reads at 7:00.

The first step in changing your life is to start doing what comes out of your mind unconscious. You can do this by making a confession and thinking about certain ideas. For example, suppose you want to make money in your life. Don't just repeat the words "I am rich and prosperous". Repeat these words several times a day. It is good to say in the morning when you wake up and are ready before bed. That’s when your mind is in an alpha state. When you say them, be sure that you mean them and focus on the words. You may feel that it is a task or that it will not help you at all. Don't say that while meditating.

This can work for anything. Make sure the verification is correct and does not mean negative. For example, if you want to quit smoking, don't say "I don't smoke". Instead he says "My lungs are clean and healthy and I don't smoke." "I am" are two very powerful words in the English language.

Also, it is very important to think carefully, do not tell yourself, "I have never been lucky" or "I was made to be poor." Think differently, "I'm lucky" or "Things always make me happy" and I'm rich and successful. "If you have a problem believing in yourself when you tell them and then change them to make them more confident. You can start small or say" I recommend. "

If you need help with a problem or you are in a situation where you have to make a difficult decision and do not know what is best for you. Ask for help in your unconscious mind. Suppose you are thinking of being offered two different jobs and have trouble deciding between the two. Ask for help in your unconscious mind by asking it. Don't say something like "The infinite wisdom of my unconscious mind, I ask for your help in making the best choice between these two careers, I ask for your help and guidance in making the best decision for me."

Keep quiet and listen to your unconscious mind. Close your eyes if necessary and do not force anything to come to you but just keep quiet and listen. If the answer doesn't come right away, that's fine. It probably needs an answer and may take some time. But, I assure you, the answer will come… .. maybe the next day or next week. You just need to be careful and lift your antennas. The answer may come from something other than you, perhaps after your resurrection. You may be clear about your thoughts on what to do. You may read or hear something that will enlighten you on what to do. You can get your answer by meeting a friend and he or she can say something that will help you decide. Just be patient and don’t get frustrated and think a lot about it. By doing so, you are delaying the response form that comes to you.

*Yoga Facts

Yoga is a group of ancient practices that were first established in India. It is still popular in the world today, and it is considered a spiritual exercise. Many Indians consider it a way to gain enlightenment. Yoga is divided into four main categories, namely Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, and Raja Yoga. However, these are just a few of the many variations on this type of exercise. Yoga is well-known in the West, and it is well-known for its versatility.

While yoga has its roots in Western culture, it is an integral part of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. For adherents of those religions, yoga is not just a form of exercise but a practical means to gain enlightenment. This practice has existed for thousands of years, and it has been mentioned in many important Indian texts, such as the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. Modern yoga has its many facets, and a number of them are devoted to Indian religions.

The purpose of body language is to keep the body healthy and healthy. Staff often sing, and can also do breathing techniques. Meditation plays a vital role in yoga, and many western yoga centers practice this practice in a way that benefits those who do not practice Hinduism. Many people in the West are drawn to yoga because of its ability to relax the body and mind. In addition, it is a great way to stay healthy. Many people who practice yoga view it as a healthy way to improve their health or to improve their mental performance.

The goal of some practitioners of yoga is to achieve what is called samadhi. Samadhi is a complex attitude in which one can find happiness. The objectives of those practicing yoga will vary according to their religion and their background. Those who practice Hinduism believe that yoga draws closer to God. Buddhists view yoga as a means to an end and a means to an end. Western nations emphasize the importance of independence, so many people in the West will use yoga as a means of self-improvement.

Yoga is an ancient practice that emphasizes complete control of the body and mind. Many users believe that they can gain an understanding of reality. Yogi is a person who will experience a state of enlightenment where their thoughts will end, and they will reach a kind of union. Yoga is a very complex topic that can mean different things to different people. Even if a person does not wish to be raised, this practice can allow them to improve their understanding. Although yoga has a strong connection with Indian religions, it is not a religion in itself. Although the age of the practice is unknown, it is estimated that there are at least 6,000.

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